⭐️Happy New Year 2025⭐️
Return & Refund Return and exchange
If the order cannot be successfully placed due to out-of-stock or sold-out products, we will notify you as soon as possible and refund the entire amount. After placing an order on the website, you can change the style or cancel the order before the store staff makes the purchase. After the product is purchased, refunds will not be accepted for personal reasons. All goods are non-returnable and non-returnable. If there are obvious problems after receiving the goods (excluding human damage), please contact us within 3 days to deal with it. Overdue orders will not be accepted.
- Items available for return or exchange:
- The goods received do not match the goods ordered
- The item received was damaged.
- Items not accepted for return or exchange:
- There is no box, label, or the contents of the goods are missing (all accessories and packaging must be consistent with the ones received when returned)
- The customer’s personal reasons, such as buying the wrong style or color or not liking the actual product after seeing it, etc.
- Goods damaged after use
- Some products marked as not offering return service
If the goods are damaged or mismatched during transportation, sign, please You must take photos of the goods and notify us. Returns can be made only after our confirmation. If payment is made via credit card/Paypal, the handling fee is non-refundable.
LONDONKELLY reserves the right to modify all terms of replacement goods without prior notice, and reserves the right to refuse replacement goods. In case of any disputes, LONDONKELLY reserves the right to make the final decision.